Monday, August 18, 2008


Sweetling and Toa of Boy were in the living room playing a make-believe game with the webkinz. I was in the kitchen cooking or cleaning or something. My mother ears picked up the beginning of a disagreement, and so I tuned into the discussion in the other room. I was silently listening to see how they resolved the dispute, or to discern if they needed intervention. Here's what I overheard:

Sweetling: They are in a car going up and down a road with huge hills.
Toa of Boy: No, a plane.
Sweetling: No, they are in a car.
Toa of Boy: I want a plane.
Sweetling: Well, I want them to be in a car going up and down a road with huge hills.
Toa of Boy: How about a plane?
Sweetling: Toa!
Toa of Boy: How about they are in a car that can turn into a plane.
Sweetling: Ok, they can be in a car that can turn into a plane, but right now its a car going up and down a road with huge hills on it.
Toa of Boy: Ok.
(Pause and game recommences.)
Toa of Boy: Hmmm...I wonder what this button does?

(If you're missing the humor in the discussion...the button that Toa of Boy discovered was the button that turned the imaginary car into a plane. Sweetling, trapped by the compromise, went along with the new direction in the game. The game swiftly dissolved into pushing random buttons in the imaginary vehicle with each child making up all sorts of crazy results. Nevertheless, they both had a blast.)

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