Thursday, February 07, 2013

Time Management

I t just occurred to me, I could do this just in an email to Christoper Robin. I'm looking for some time management help. Not only am I not getting to the extra stuff I need to get done, I can't get through the _normal_ stuff that's on my plate.

Where does the time go? I don't know. That's why I'm keeping a log for the next couple of days.

6:00-wake up. Dress. Put away groceries to the downstairs pantry. Put last nights pots and pans in to soak. I'm already starting out the day in the hole.
6:30- work on Amazing Race. Not finished.
7:30-Give up. Hungry. Make and eat breakfast. Read chapter for Sunday school. Praying for an attitude adjustment for myself.
8:10-Corralling children for school. Telling Toa that yes, school really is supposed to start at 8.
8:50-Tossed a load of towels in the wash. Made phone calls to try to find dried gourds, to no avail. Brushed teeth.
9:20-Logic and vocab with Sweetling. Also transferred laundry, help Toa with math, watered the plants. Sliced up an apple for snack. Sent an email for Amazing Race. That's how I multi task.
10:35 School with Toa. Did Science and History.
11:30 More school with Toa. Math.
11:55 Lunch break! Unloaded and reloaded dishwasher.Pizza rolls for Susan. Tostitos for Toa.Spinach salad and chips and salsa for me. Doctor Who for everyone!
1:05- lunch extended with hot fudge sundaes. don't judge me. it was heggy's and i was weak.To make up for my weakness, I cleaned the pots and pans I put in the sink this morning.
1:43-Spelling with Toa. Transferred laundry. Cleaned some old icing containers. Did the second part of history with Toa. Quick music lesson and 15 minutes of a read aloud with Toa.
3:20-Laundry. Decluttered downstairs some. Have a stack of art work that I don't know what to do with.
3;55-Food again. Check Facebook. Everyone else is one their own for dinner. Straighten my hair.
4:45 -Leave for tutoring.
7:05 -Home from tutoring. Grab a light snack. Change for Tae Kwon Do.
9:00--Back from TKD. the plans for the next hour and half include: Making a cup of hot chocolate. Transferring laundry. Tucking in Toa and putting pictures on my blog. getting a shower. Tucking in Sweetling.

 Actually, today went pretty well. I still have work to do for co-op, a pile  of papers on my desk, and a kitchen counter and a sewing machine both suffering from the 'flat surface' syndrome. but I got school done and hired Toa to clean the bathroom.

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