Friday, April 09, 2010

Kindness Countdown: 12

You can see from the first sentence that the friend who send me this response to my birthday wishes is a woman after my own heart ;)

I didn't forget to do the random act of kindness I just forgot to email you when it was done. :) Well actually it was already planned before you gave me the card but I'll take what I can get.

For mine I "tried" to take the kids [of a pregnant friend who has been put on full bedrest] for the day. I figured the mom would need a break. I did successfully get to take the little girl but the little boy woke up that day with a fever so he stayed home with Mom and Dad. Anyway my kids and I took their little girl swimming at the Y, to play at our house and out to eat at McDonalds to play at their playland.

We also gave the family a giftcard to Outback. The idea was that they would get a quiet lunch away from the kids but since the little boy was sick I told them to just use it when they got the chance.

I'm also carrying around two bags of girl clothes that I have to give away to people at church. There are two families that usually go through the bags and divy them up. Oh and some company has decided that I had a baby, gee I don't remember that so I've also got formula that I plan to drop off at the church nursery for someone to take.

Hope you get the rest of your responses soon.

In other news, my sister is starting a blog to keep track of donations we've received, and items we still need for my brother. We haven't been able to get in touch with my brother since Easter. The last I had heard, he was still looking for a more permanent place for he and his family to stay. The cell phone reception in East Nowhere is pretty spotty, so its not unusual to not be able to get through to him. Having a call that actually connects to his cell is like winning the cell phone tower lottery.

Here are the kids' clothing and shoe sizes. We especially need clothes for the girl who is a size 5/6 (May) and the boy (Shay).

Shoe sizes-
Kay- 6 1/2 womens
May- 9 1/2 womens
Shay- 7 mens

Shirt sizes--
Kay-- XS/S womens
May-- M womens
Shay-- M/L mens

Pant sizes--
Kay-- 0,1 womens/juniors?
May-- 5,6 womens
Shay-- 28-30 mens

The blog should be up today, and I'll post a link to it as soon as I have it.

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