Thursday, July 15, 2010

Back to School So Soon, So Soon!

Those of you following me on Facebook know that I've been whining about the heat and considering doing school in July and August, then taking a fall vacation in September when the weather cools down enough to make outing pleasurable again. The kids and I held a meeting on Monday. We looked back over our summer bucket list, and found that of the ten items still on our list, eight of these were outdoor activities. After that discovery, the kids were on board to start school early, and then take two weeks off in September.

Thus, school starts on Monday, baby.

We have all our curriculum from My Father's World. We're still needing to order a few things, but the kids won't cry if we have to delay a few subjects for a couple more weeks.

Over the weekend, I had sat down with the Book Basket list for the first two weeks of Exploring Countries and Cultures. I hopped on the library's website and placed holds on all books that I needed transferred between libraries. I noted which books were already at our local branch, and I checked those out on Tuesday during our regular library trip.

I'm noticing a troubling lack of chapter books in the book basket.

Back to the internet. Though I have weak google fu skills, I did find this lovely list of chapter books organized by countries put together by another homeschooling mom.

More lists of books to read aloud:
from an oregon county library
and, from a los angelas library

What I'm really looking for right now, is an interesting chapter book about traveling the world. Suggestions? Around the World in 80 Days?

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