From the learning rooms... a well deserved field trip to the Children's Museum today! We're picking up Pinkie on our way down.
I am thankful for... my friend Mango, who is my lost birthday twin and an ENFP just like me. I was feeling pretty down and sorry for myself at 4:50 am this morning. Then I got an email from her, and without even trying, she perked me right up!
From the kitchen... my entire house smells like badly, badly burnt popcorn. Dear Mama heard from someone at work that the way to make perfect microwave popcorn, down to the last kernel was to always set the microwave for five minutes. So she did that and then walked away. The Jedi was downstairs in the computer room. I was in the bathroom giving Toa of Boy a bath. Sweetling was in her bedroom reading a Babysitter's Club novel. So, no one knew what was happening in the kitchen until the smoke alarm started going off. Sadly, the smoke alarm going off is not that unusual, so no one immediately responded to the beeping. Eventually the Jedi came upstairs to discover smoke pouring out of the vents on the side of the microwave. By that time, the entire house reeked of the burning. We opened all the windows, despite the sub-freezing weather and artic gusts of wind. At 6:15 this morning, when the Jedi got up for work, the first thing he said was, "The house still smells burnt." And it does. I have two candles going to try to override the nasty smell. I have also finally discovered something that Magic Erasers don't clean. The inside of my microwave is forever discolored. I haven't tried turning it on to see if it still works.
As soon as I get my shower, I'm going to make a batch of mini- blueberry muffins to take as a snack for the car ride home from the museum.
I am wearing... jammies still, even though its 11am. I finally fell back asleep at 6:30 am and then slept till 8. By then Dear Mama was just getting in the shower and I needed to get breakfast for the kids, do devotions with Toa of Boy, get the new March calendar with all its magnets on the fridge, bandaid a thumb that Toa of Boy scraped trying to get scotch tape from the dispenser, respond to emails, etc, etc, etc. I did stretch this morning though. Points for that.
I am reading... the Love Dare and Nzingha:Warrior Queen of Matamba. I need to update my shelfarie (however it's spelled.)
I am hoping... that spring happens soon!!!!! I'm so done with winter!
I am creating... plans for a garden. Yes, I'm a glutten for punishment. This year, I need to weed the butterfly garden/strawberry patch; move the rest of the strawberry plants to somewhere else (where I don't know). Finally order black-eyed susan's for my Sweetling (she's been wanting those for years now. Reseed the former strawberry patch with grass and hope it actually grows. (Yes, I am so gardening challenged I can't even grow grass.) And maybe start a small square-foot vegetable garden. Oh, and try again with sunflowers and miniture pumpkins in the front. And divide the daisies.
I am hearing... Super Smash Bros from the living room. I'm not pleased with that game. It has no redeeming qualities. It is pure mindless video game. But Toa of Boy has his morning list done, and I'm still writing. I think I'll chase him off of it soon.
Around the house... four baskets of dirty laundry in the living room. Two burning candles. Scraps of paper on the kitchen table from making the March calendar. Clutter on my sewing machine. A baggie of coupons that need sorted and filed. A half plate of fudge. An unplugged microwave. Blankets from last night's snuggle time crumpled on the couch. Art from church on the table. Webkinz also on the couch. But a new calendar on the fridge.
One of my favorite things... hot chocolate, my Mango, the Jedi who loves me anyway, laughter, the Jedi still has a job, sale on packs of infant onsies at Big Lots this week (I'm stocking up for Vaya and for another young lady yet to be named here), being able to break the rules occasionally, blue blue skies, a freezer full of food, croc sandals, three pair of earings my ears don't react to, comments left on my blog, craft in preschool church yesterday, Sweetling's awesome taste in clothes, Sweetling's awesome taste in music, theological discussions with Toa of Boy which includes "Mommy, did God make aliens?", and curly brown hair.
A few plans for the rest of the week... Museum today. School and groceries and Tae Kwon Do tomorrow. Mango's kids coming over here on Wednesday, and church Wednesday night. Co-op on Thursday and Tae Kwon Do again that night. Friday, our kids are going to Mango's and the Jedi and I are going to the Weekend to Remember marriage conference!
Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...
1 comment:
...please where can I buy a unicorn?
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