Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I need a new meme....

If I were feeling creative, I'd go ahead and finish that little piggy-back jingle. But then again, if I were feeling creative, I wouldn't be hoping for a new "meme" community to join.

Blogger Friend School is gone.
Homeschool Memoirs is gone.
Heart of the Matter's meme is gone.

Not that I participated every week in these memes, but it was nice to have them available to read and sometimes be inspired by when I was stuck on what to write.

Behold the power of Google:

Or, design my own:
Making Memories, Monthly Meme

--need, cute graphic button...I'll have to throw myself on Sweetling's mercy
--need, to figure out how to make Mr. Linky work on blogspot
--need, to have a description and guidelines up in time for the next blogroll at wierd, unsocialized homeschoolers
--need, to do a tiny bit of rearranging of my side bar to make the button and topic list for the meme always easily accessible for visitors

Making Memories, Monthly Meme

What it is:
An easy format for sharing ideas for family projects, activities, or outings.

Who it's for:
Any blogger interested in an ongoing source of workable and tested....this is crap. I'll write more later. Maybe.

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