Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Love Cherishes

"Marriage is a beautiful mystery created by God, joining two lives together as one. The not only happens physically but spiriatually and emotionally. You start off sharing the same house, the same bed, the same last name. Your identitiy as individuals has been joined into one. When your spouse goes through a tragedy, both of you feel it. When you find success at your job, both of you rejoice.

"Your lives are now interwoven together. Your spouse cannot experience joy or pain, blessing or cursing, without it also affecting you.

"When you look at your mate, you're looking at a part of you. so treat her well. Speak highly of him. Nourish and cherish the love of your life."

I've not been great with the follow through. The love dares seem to mundane to me, so I've been doing the devotion reading, but skipping the love dare half the time. Which really means, I read the devotions, think, wow, that's really insightful, and then don't let it actually change my behavior. Not all the time. But half the time.

Today's love dare is:

What needs does your spouse have that you could meet today? Can you run an errand? Give a back rub or a foot massage? Is there housework that you could help with? Choose a gesture that says 'I cherish you', and do it with a smile.

I have no idea what the Jedi needs. I think I'll email the Jedi and ask if he'd like pot pie or beefy biscuit cups for dinner tonight. And I think I'll email the Jedi with some suggestions for an after dinner activity. (Remember, Sweetling reads the blog, so you grown ups figure out what I'm talking about.) The Jedi will be well pleased with both of these emails.

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