Monday, February 09, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook, Feb 9th

For Today...

Outside my window... my kitchen blinds are still shut, even though it's 10:20 in the morning. I did feed the squirrels earlier and lingered for a moment to watch a squirrel climb up and down and up again a grey tree trunk. The squirrels in my backyard are named Captain Scraggles the One-Eyed Pirate, Lieutenant Flagg, and Sophie. Sophie is smaller than Lieutenant Flagg, but I'm still working on telling those two apart when they aren't near each other.

I am thinking... that I am really really really really tired today. I went to bed right after Sweetling did last night and I slept in till 7:45 and I am just dragging myself through the morning.

From the learning rooms... Toa of Boy and I started reading Leading Little Ones to God this morning. For an activity, I suggested he make a bookmark for his new devotional book. He wasn't thrilled with this suggestion until Sweetling piped in, "You can make a Kirby bookmark." Now Toa has drawn eleven Kirby's (we counted them in both English and Spanish) on one side of the bookmark. On the other side he has drawn the big King of the Kirbys. Sweetling is finishing up an algebra problem on commissions.

I am thankful for... my fuzzy red bathrobe. Sleepy tired Mondays are just made for staying in fuzzy red bathrobes and bunny sleepers. Its the next best thing to being back in bed.

From the kitchen... Sweetling made "ready to bake" cookies by herself last night for snack. I have no idea what's for dinner. But I do have several cups of homemade chicken vegetable soup in the freezer. One of those containters might come out to become lunch.

I am wearing... blue penguin jammies, long warm red bathrobe, fuzzy bunny slippers.

I am reading... Saving Your Marriage before It Starts. The Jedi and I are teaching a small elective class to the some of the senior high youth. Our first class was last night and it went really well. We have five youth in the class, and we asked them what made them decide to come. One mentioned the high divorce rates and how he wanted to get a jump start on doing what he could to keep any marriage he might later have from becoming one of the casualties.

I am hoping... for Spring! Tomorrow it's supposed to get all the way up to 60F. After a month of below freezing and frequently subzero temperatures, we're going on a nature walk tomorrow afternoon. Oh yes, yes we are.

I am creating... hot chocolate. Today is a multiple cup day.

I am hearing... the dishwasher run, Toa of Boy call for his webkinz "Mary" the little lion, and Sweetling being a big sister and lending a hand in the search.

Around the house... clutter, clutter, and more clutter. Where does it all come from? There's three plastic milk jugs by the sink that need rinse and crushed, a pile of mail that needs sorted and dealt with on the kitchen chair beside me, I don't even know what on my sewing machine, stencils and art supplies in a bag from last Thursday's co-op that *still* hasn't been put away. And Webkinz. At least one webkinz on every piece of furniture. An opened Bible beside me. And now two children being ghosts under blankets in the living room.

One of my favorite things... my new Corelle dishes. They came in the mail from Amazon last week. I wanted a pattern, but in the end went with winter white. Now, if I can get my hall closet cleaned out, as a reward I will by some wipe-off seasonal placemats so that I can change my table settings and decorations.

A few plans for the rest of the week... dentist and nature walk tomorrow. Toa of Boy's vaccinations this afternoon. Tae Kwon Do on Tuesday and Thursday evening. Oh, and the new Fireproof class on Wednesday! Date night on Friday :)

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